6:30pm - 9:00pm
WORMS: Readings from The Psychoanalysis Season

Join Worms at Biblioteka for a night of readings from Oluwatobiloba Ajayi, Caitlin Hall, Melissa Lee-Houghton, Dorothy Spencer, Phoenix Yemi performing their poems and essays from Worms’ latest issue: *The Psychoanalysis Season*, released as online dispatches across Sept through Dec on [The Wormho...read more

6:00pm - 9:00pm
Music performance: AUSTIN LARKIN and JOHN MCCOWEN

Join us on Tuesday, October for a live music performance with Austin Larkin and John McCowen. Austin Larkin primarily works with violin, sirens, and bells. With these instruments his focus is on elemental experiences of tone - fields, durations, and patterns that emerge through resonance and disto...read more

Book Launch: Sophio Medoidze "Bastard Sun"

Join us for a reading performance and Q&A with Sophio Medoidze and Morgan Quaintance. Sophio Medoidze’s (b. Tbilisi, then USSR, 1978; lives and works in London) practice encompasses film, photography, writing, and sculpture and explores the poetic potential of uncertainty. Her work has been shown...read more

Book launch: "The Word_" by Lisa Chang Lee

In an era marked by scepticism towards the authenticity of what we see and read, “The Word\_”, a book with 777 chapters, uses artificial intelligence to synthesise insights from the sacred texts of the world's ten principal religions and then create its own. This work intentionally navigates the...read more

Biblioteka x South Parade Readings

Biblioteka x South Parade: Readings by: Aurelia Guo, Oliver Corino, Jordan Derrien. Wednesday 18 September, 7-9pm. All welcome....read more

Bruno Pacheco: In a Flash

Join artist Bruno Pacheco and writer Jennifer Higgie in conversation to mark the launch of the monograph 'Bruno Pacheco: In A Flash', published by Koenig Books. The publication spans ten years of the artist's practice, and includes newly commissioned texts by Jennifer Higgie, Barry Schwabsky and an ...read more

Reading Group: The Magic Circle

Artist, Ellie Wyatt convenes the second iteration of their reading group The Magic Circle at Biblioteka. Cheryl Spinner’s text The Spell & The Scalpel: Scientific Sight in Early 3D Photography will be the starting point for an informal conversation exploring early stereoscopic images in relation t...read more

Book Launch: Products & Services

Products & Services is a poetic catalogue of the visual language(s) surrounding commodities. Through a series of visual works, texts, and a hoard of found objects, the publication explores how value is held: by dusty packaging, bootleg logos, misspelt slogans, global display systems and localised no...read more


A Bigger Book Fair grows out of a A Very Small Book Fair, hosted by us in 2022 and 2023. This year, the book fair gets bigger and moves onto the main festival site [@copelandparkse](https://www.instagram.com/copelandparkse/?hl=en). We can’t wait to visit this stellar list of 60+ independent publis...read more

CEED Feminisms Bibliography Launch

Embracing wom+n-led practices and organising before and under state socialisms, as well as academic and non-academic feminisms from the ‘region’ emerging before and after independence, the CEED Feminisms Bibliography sketches a constellation of urgent and ongoing feminist and decolonial conversa...read more


Please join us this Saturday 4th May from 6-8pm for readings by Jesper List Thomsen and Miriam Stoney at Biblioteka. The event coincides with Stoney's solo exhibition Eckdaten at Brunette Coleman and Thomsen's New Pictures From Milano Centrale at Hot Wheels Athens London. Both galleries will be open...read more


Ideas of power exist in many forms. Power surrounds us; it infuses every relationship, and every system we come in contact with, but it is a notoriously slippery concept when considered in its own right. Power always seems to slip away when we look for it. Power is everywhere, but it is also always ...read more

Closed Circuit Systems: Shhhh #1

Developed by Krystle Patel during a residency at Plun-Favreau Labs, 'Closed Circuit Systems' is a research project concerned with demystifying spaces of scientific knowledge production through the language of the body. In this iteration, Patel has collaborated with Jelena Viskovic to develop a new d...read more

Biblioteka Opening - Montague Street

We are delighted to invite you to our new space opening in partnership with The Architectural Association at 1 Montague Street. We have invited artists Georgina Hill, Eleni Papazoglou, Will McGuire and Claire Potter to read for us. Readings start at 7pm sharp. Come say hello, enjoy the atmosphere a...read more


We are excited to announce the second iteration of 'a very small bookfair' at Biblioteka, organised in collaboration with Peckham24. Some amazing publishers will be showing and selling their books. Duck out from Offprint to have a drink and pick up another seldseen stack of recondite paper. 12th of...read more

Damped Cycle - Book Launch

"Damped Cycle" is a publication of new writing by William McGuire and iPhone images by Robert Orr. The title is gleaned from an economic dictionary found in the Reading Room of the London Library, where both contributors hold part-time jobs....read more

Texte zum Nachdenken

Texte zum Nachdenken is an independent and artist run series of reading events from Zurich. Readings for this iteration are with Miriam Stoney, Jesper List Thomsen, Ariane Koch, Rafaela Nicolay and Benedikt Bock. [Miriam Stoney](https://www.miriamstoney.com/) (\*1994, Scunthorpe, UK) is an art...read more

Vocabulary of Multitudes - Chapter 2

Vocabulary of Multitudes is a gathering called to address issues of remembrance, decontextualisation and reconciliation. This second iteration will focus on the material and ideational dimensions of decolonization of Eastern Europe and Eastern European studies. Inspired by the growing calls to deco...read more

'Body Mechanics' - Kelly Sleep

Book launch as part of the Folium Book Award which is run in conjunction with Kingston University and Stanley Picker Trust. 'Body Mechanics' is a publication that translates Kelly Sleep’s uncanny and humorous kinetic sculptures into printed matter. Sleep’s sculptures are realised through the ha...read more

Tender Xchange - Device(s) to Locate

We want to welcome you to the third and final installment of Tender Xchange's  ongoing research "Device(s) to Locate". Since their last two instalments, Tender Xchange has created a rich backlog of images to continue pulling out relational matter around the ideas of locating desires. The aim fo...read more

Zarvanytsia/New Jerusalem

Every year, thousands of Ukrainian Christians undertake a pilgrimage to Zarvanytsia, a sacred place. Between prayers they share news, brag about their wealth, take pictures of chapels, give interviews, and witness miracles. Witness miracles? Join us at the Royal College of Art, Gorvy Lecture Theatr...read more

Lava Lines

Lava Lines explores the life forms, contemporary myths and geopolitical powers that shape volcanic landscapes. Portals to an underworld of almost limitless energy production, volcanic environments are also the seat of ancestral practices. Lava Lines gathers texts, visual and sonic formats to touch o...read more

'Hidden' by Elena Subach

At the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a team of workers and volunteers in the medieval city of Lviv rushed out to prepare its monuments for war. Restorers and museum workers, musicians and psychologists, artists and teenagers set about conserving Lviv’s sacred cultural relics ...read more

Working Men Have No Country

We are launching the new book by @essarter\_editions\_ at Biblioteka. With book signing by Sofia Yala Rodrigues ▫️▫️▫️ "Working Men Have No Country" is an essay of images and texts bringing together the work and researches of four artists: @krasimirabutseva (Bulgaria - United Kingdom), ...read more


A triptych of public interactions mapping parallels between religious paintings of martyrdom and horror cinema, investigating the relationship between iconography and body politics through multiple mediums. The first iteration of this three-chapter programme invites film programmer Emma Bouraba to...read more


[@theposthumanistmag](https://www.instagram.com/theposthumanistmag/) launching at Biblioteka next Friday (23rd of September) 👀 The Posthumanist is a bilingual (EN/DE) magazine for art, design, technology and writing from a more-than-human perspective....read more


Come join @biblioteka\_kyiv for BOOKRAISER: A one-evening music event at @icalondon where we will showcase selected material from our special collections, available for you to browse. Bring a book or publication for admission to the event and help us grow our collection of books and zines. Your don...read more


Come join us at @biblioteka\_kyiv for the launch of the new title from @abstract.supply & @piersgavastoned next Saturday (2nd of July). Entropia (vol. I & II) – written by William Kherbek and edited in collaboration with Jack Clarke – is a publication which seeks to recount and re-examine a dec...read more


As part of @peckham24photo from the 13th till the 15th May we will be hosting A Very Small Bookfair, with a selection of photobook related publishers: @tarmac_press @thephotocopyclub @guesteditions @jackwhitefield @zone6press @bordomtheory @artistsbookscooperative @folium_publishing +more! Please ...read more


PC Music has put together this fundraiser compilation for Ukraine with proceeds going towards Biblioteka's medical aid campaign. Link in bio on our instagram. Big thanks to @felicita_felicita , @pcmus and everyone involved 💙 ....read more

Sunflowers Vol I

PC Music has put together this fundraiser compilation for Ukraine with proceeds going towards Biblioteka's medical aid campaign. Link in bio on our instagram. Big thanks to @felicita_felicita , @pcmus and everyone involved 💙 ....read more

Compartment - Film Screening

We look so much forward to this special screening of COMPARTMENT by Maj Rafferty on Thursday the 28 April. The screening is free. Doors open 7pm. Seats will be available on a first come first serve basis. You will also be able to buy @ursulascavenius book The Dolls directly from @lollieditions on...read more


We are delighted to host a launch of 2 new books by Folium Publishing: Sumnima Garbuja’s book ‘क’ & George Stewart Sendell’s untitled publication of perspective drawings. @sumnimasumnimasumnima @gssendell_art @folium_publishing @kingstonschoolofart @stanleypicker ...read more


This is official! We are opening our new library space in London on the 7th of October. Loads of new exciting books. Can’t wait to see you all. Big thanks to everyone who contributed and helped make this possible. @glibv @arcadiamissa @photobookshow @valussonov @k33711647 @will_sadowski @n.a.she...read more

Advantage of a Setting Sun

An exhibition of works by Jazbo Gross combining video installation, sculpture and a collection of texts that converge in the late 19th century discovery of Liquid Crystals; a state of matter which is neither solid nor liquid. This new state of matter provided soil for new technologies and new direct...read more


For the reopening of Runtime Room Library, Biblioteka will create a special selection from our collection. The invitation from our friends at Runtime Room Library is this: Did you sit in a couch today? If you did then get up. No wait. Don’t get up, or if you didn’t sit in a couch today, stay ...read more